The Tusker trade

Hello guys, Welcome to another blog, I am MD Ibrahim. In this blog, we look about tusk trade or Ivory trade and we're going cover 6 to 7 topics. If you have any Q&A you can ask in the social media platform. comment on your feedback. Then without waste time, get the blog. 

 Pie chart: Demand for the item in the black market.

The international community banned the ivory trade in 1989. Before the banned of ivory, Aisa and Africa peoples traded ivory more than hundred of years to other parts of the world. The main reason for the banned ivory trade is It devastation of the elephant's population.
There in the black market, not elephant's ivory is sold, they also selling hippo's tusk, walrus ivory, narwhal (or) narwhale ivory.  
Courtesy: Wikipedia &
You can see that in the above picture the animals have the tusk, which is costly in the black market. The ivory trade reached a peak in the pre-20 century, Africa only traded 800 - 1000 tonnes of ivory to Europe alone.  Okay, let's know what is ivory made up of, "IVORY is a hard, white material that consists of DENTINE one of the physical structure teeth and tusk, the chemical structure of teeth and tusk of the mammals is same it includes humans also". In the 1970s only Japan consumed 40% of the global market and 40% consumed by Europe and North America. In 2020 the countries which are involved in the most trade of ivory are " China, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and the United States"
National Geographic channel had a globe scan of eight months conducting surveys, in-depth interviews, and focus across for the ivory trade so they can find and tell information to people across the world in which the trade rate and where demand for the ivory is more. The surveys also tell what I showed to you in the above chart. 
The trade of ivory is made the path to the funding for terrorism and the numbers of the public officials and media outlets claim that the link between the terrorists and the poachers who hunt the elephants for ivory. Sorry, I can't tell the name of that terrorist group because for privacy reasons. But I leave the glue through you can find that group name and details on the internet(if you are interested) that group name means in English "Party of the youth", and it is part of al-Qaeda. The group consists of 4,000-6,000 members (2014 estimate), in  (2017 estimate) they were increased into 7,000-9000 and that group claims it received 40% of its funding from the elephants ivory. WWF(world wildlife organization) reports the population of elephants in Africa is going down. The reports state that in 2016 the population of Africa elephants is 4,15,000 across the African continent. In 2020 there 4,00,000 remaining in the continent. Elephants numbers have dropped by 62% over the last decade. The WWF estimate that around 20,000 African elephants are killing each year for there ivory, that's an average of 55 a day. However, the southern Africans have always been in a minority within the African elephant range states. To reiterate this point, 19 African countries signed the "Accra Declaration" in 2006 calling for a total ivory trade ban, and 20 range states attended a meeting in Kenya calling for a 20-year moratorium in 2007. But across all these poachers hunting elephants is not in control. 
The novel by Joseph Conrad, named "Heart of Darkness" which tells about the brutal ivory trade in Africa as a wild and senseless act of the European imperialists, describing the situation in congo between 1890 and 1910 "the vilest scramble for loot that ever disfigured the history of human conscience". If you interest in reading the book I leave the link below. I gave the link for part 1 only if you want other parts message in social media or in comment 
BOOK LINK :                                                                                                                          

The world elephant day is celebrated on 12 of August. The goal of  International Elephants Day is to create awareness of the urgent plight of African and Asian elephants and to share knowledge and positive solutions for the better care and management of captive and wild elephants.

The 400 grams of ivory selling to 1,500 USD in the black market. In India it cost around 1,13,500. in African currency it costs, around 9,00,000. the full ivory weight is around 100 kilograms.



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